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Copyrighted Center for Emergency Managemenr, MOH-OMAN for adopting please contact us
Volunteering - تطوع معنا
فَمَنْ تَطَوَّعَ خَيْرًا فَهُوَ خَيْرٌ لَهُ (سورة البقرة (184))
يعتبر العمل التطوعي خدمة مجتمعية بحته وبذل الجهد لأجل عمل الخير ونشره في المجتمع دون انتظار اي جزاء. وهو التزام بوقت المتطوع تجاه وطنه ومجتمعه.
Volunteering is completely free by choice. However, it is a commitment of your valuable time and energy that render to the ultimate service we provide in our society.
Your actions contributes to the development of the community and improve continuity of health services in our country.
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Planning, Preparing
and Responding
Center for Emergency Management Aim to establishment of a comprehensive, effective and integrated Health Emergency Management System with allied sectors for achieving immediate and effective disaster response to reduce the impact on human, properties and environment..
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